How Tangowork helped People's Law School measure performance

When you see proof that the work you do makes a tangible difference, doesn’t it motivate you to keep doing your best? If you work with a team, seeing the results of the group’s effort fosters a sense of connection and shared purpose. People’s Law School has experience with how seeing the results of their work in real-time makes team members feel more connected and helps the team focus on their organizational goals.

For People’s Law School, helping British Columbians resolve or avoid legal issues is their whole raison d’être. So they love to know that the education they provide is helping their users increase their understanding and know what next steps to take. Tangowork has enabled People’s Law to have real-time access to that information by creating a Google Data Dashboard that generates stats to show how engaged and happy their users are. This helps People’s Law have numbers and results to report back to their funders (stakeholders?), and enables them to be the best they can at what they do.

Tangowork's methods

Tangowork introduced People’s Law to the HEART framework for analytics, as an effective way for People’s Law to look at their digital properties and think about what metrics they wanted to measure and capture. The HEART framework was developed at Google and helps measure user experience. HEART stands for Happiness, Engagement, Adoption, Retention, and Task success, the five areas that the framework can be used to think about, or report on, metrics. Tangowork recommended the HEART framework to help People’s Law prioritize metrics that would provide meaningful insights into their work and its results.

The five aspects of the heart framework

Tangowork ran several workshops for People’s Law, including a Goals / Signals / Metrics JamBoard exercise. The JamBoard workshop helped People’s Law to use the HEART framework to prioritize and articulate their goals, identify how they would know if they succeeded at their goals, and create metrics that would track their progress. Tangowork helped People’s Law think about their analytics, what they were and weren’t measuring already, and what metrics they wanted to see in the future.

Tangowork JamBoard exercise results with People's Law input about goals related to engagement

A dashboard to display real-time metrics

Tangowork brought it all together in Google Data Studio, enabling People’s Law to see real-time statistics for all of their digital properties. They can view metrics including total users, average engaged time, and overall satisfaction for their websites, videos, webinars and Q&A service. The dashboard also shows trends over time.

People's Law data dashboard for

Another tab allows People’s Law to track their social media following, showing views and hours watched for their most popular YouTube videos, as well as views and followers on Twitter, FaceBook, and Instagram. The Audience tab shows a map of where BC users are accessing information from, and shows People’s Law what percentage of the population they are reaching in different regions. So far in the 2022 calendar year, their websites have been used by 4.6% of the population of Vancouver/Sunshine Coast!

The Audience tab shows the number of users accessing People's Law resources from different regions, and what device they are using to access content

Stats on user happiness are especially important to People’s Law, and Tangowork helped them develop a custom satisfaction survey that helps measure user’s happiness in real-time. At the end of each People’s Law School and Dial-a-Law website article, a widget randomly presents just one of five questions to the user. The questions ask whether the information was helpful to them, increased their understanding, helped them identify what to do next, will help them resolve or avoid an issue, or how likely they are to recommend the site to a friend or colleague? Users answer with a Yes/No, or by selecting a number on a rating scale.

The second someone clicks on their answer to the survey question, the result is available to People’s Law on their data dashboard. The statistics there provide real-time information about the happiness and engagement of users accessing People’s Law resources. After users answer the survey question, they are also given the option to provide freeform feedback, and once submitted, the freeform feedback is also viewable on the dashboard.

People’s Law had previously been asking for and capturing information on happiness and measurements like Net Promoter Score in many different ways, but they never had a real-time dashboard measuring users’ happiness. Now People’s Law can easily access immediate feedback about how users feel about the resources they provide.

Everyone can see the results

Everyone at People's Law, from content developers to the executive director, can view real-time key performance indicators and feedback from users on the dashboard. This immediate feedback helps team members feel more connected, see how they are accomplishing organizational goals, and recognize how their efforts are helping end users. Up-to-the-minute metrics and feedback from the People’s Law Dashboard will continue to inform and motivate their work as they go on making the law accessible to everyone.